
16 April 2011

Rock on... and on...

and on...

So ask me what super awesome crafty thing I did today. Yeah... Nothing. We went grocery shopping and hung out with some friends. That was awesome. Steak, lots of laughs, and Tangled make for a great night.

I love that movie by the way. I could watch it over and over. I really expected to hate it, but I loves it. The hubbs and I went to see it while it was still in the theater. We bought it the day it came out. This makes viewing number 5 in a week. It is wonderful. "Frying pans... Who knew?!?!"

Lily Bear was a dream boat today. I love that girl. It is always a bizarre moment for me when I hear words coming out of my mouth that drive home the point that I am finally a mother. For example? Since you asked... "She hasn't peed since 2:00? That's five hours! Is she ok?" She is in fact ok. She peed about 15 mins after I called and spoke to a nurse in her doctor's office.

Some days I still think that I am going to wake up and she will have been a dream.

On a much brighter and more completely random note, the hubbs and I have been having a lot of very interesting conversations lately about life, the universe and everything. Tonight we were driving around with a sleeping baby in the backseat talking about our soundtracks for life and it occurred to me that I am pleased to realize mine changes so often. Not as often as every week or two, but every couple of years I turn around and realize that it has changed. I think that is a great realization for me just because it makes me see that I have changed. My life has changed. My outlook has changed.

Without further ado I present my current life's soundtrack.

1. Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root
2. Carry You - Dispatch
3. Ain't No Reason - Brett Dennen
4. Rolling In the Deep - Adele
5. Buffalo Girl - Chris Bathgate
6. Folkin' Around - The Weakerthans
7. Good Man - Josh Ritter
8. January Wedding - Avett Brothers
9. You've Got the Music In You - New Radicals
10. Northern Sky - Nick Drake
11. Mary - Pushstart Wagon
12. View From Heaven - Yellowcard
13. Sigh No More - Mumford and Sons
14. Best of You - Foo Fighters
15. Small Town Kid - Eli Young Band
16. Syrup and Honey - Duffy

There are others, but I am thinking you get the general picture. I am quite satisfied with the current soundtrack. It suits.

The hubbs is totally addicted to Medium right now and the wonderful people at Netflix have added it to the instant queue. Rock. What could make that rock harder? Glad you asked. Molly Ringwald is in this episode!

I don't know that I have much more to say... There is a Lions Club auction in town tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it! Such a great organization.

On that note I think I will get some rest. (Right after this episode is over!)

Sweet dreams and happy weekending!

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