Orientation was interesting... Orientation, right? Totally expected that. Did not expect to be oriented personally. There is a separate orientation for spouses/significant others of students. Crazy, but very helpful. I learned a lot of things that are going to be a great help, and I met some great people. I won't lie... I still had a bit of a meltdown afterwards because I am still 535 miles away from my nearest friend and 2,400 miles from my best friend.
It is a daunting thing to move to a place that is so far away. It is completely overwhelming when you realized you have moved away from everyone you know and now you are the sole source of entertainment and care for your whole little family. I didn't melt down long. Well... certainly not VERY long...
After being oriented I spent Wednesday hanging out with the girls and picking the house up. Thursday I made six little skirts for Lily. No, it isn't a typo. Six. She is outgrowing clothes so fast that I am barely keeping her in anything. The beauty of skirts? Lasting power. Make them long-ish and with an elastic waist and they will last you through two or three sizes. :o)
I found some striped shirting at Jo-Anne's a week or two ago that happened to be on sale... You know the rest. I bought some of every color they had.
LOVE THEM. I made two more the next day out of some really cute cotton prints I found at a local shop, but I haven't been able to get Lily to stand still for me to get a picture of them yet. She's busy. I can't fault that.
Right now I have two more shirts cut out and two dresses almost done. Sewing has been productive.
Friday I pulled out The Beast and started working on it the other night while the girls were in bed. I have been working on this silly blanket for *cough* 10 *cough* years now... It was the first thing I started when I learned to crochet. It's been a decade. I aim to finish it before the end of this year. I'll post a pic of it soon so you can see why it is worth the effort. It really will be a pretty blanket... Not award-winning, but pretty!
That is all of my crafty news. In family land there is quite a little bit of news though! Little Alice decided she would make friends with the cat... Oddly, the cat was very pleased with this development. Nikki just sat and loved while Alice poked her in the eye and pulled her fur. She wasn't all bad. She did a fair share of grinning and petting and giggling. There were lots of giggles when Nikki's tail would swish by to catch Alice's cheeks.
Speaking of Alice's cheeks... She's getting to be quite the little chubber. She was so small for so long and now she is fluffing right up. :o) She's perfect. It's true. I won't deny it.
Little Lily Bear has been such a sweetheart since we got here. She is laying down for naps AND laying down at night without anyone in the room. I was worried when we left Arkansas that we weren't ever going to get back to a normal bedtime routine, but we have! She has been rocking the nightshirts I made her, and I can't help but think those old tee's are enjoying some fresh blood in them!
She has been loving the church we are going to now. She's been a very good girl... busy, but good! There are several kiddos that we have met around her age. That's nice. She's such a little social creature.
What else? The hubbs had a birthday yesterday! For the better part of four months we will be the same age, and then I will be back to being older and wiser. LOL Riiiiight.
I think that's all I've got for the moment... Not a super exciting post, but a much quicker turn-around time for sure!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Wear your seat belts!
Katie Jo